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- Remove This Item Origin: AFGHANISTAN
- Remove This Item Taillées en France: Yes
- Remove This Item Available in pairs: Yes
Shopping Options
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- Origin
Quick Access
- Afghanite
- Agate
- Agate (cross)
- Agate (dendritic)
- Agate (landscape)
- Alexandrite
- Alurgite
- Amazonite
- Amber with insect
- Amethyst
- Amethyst "rose de france"
- Ametrine
- Ammolite
- Andalusite
- Andesine
- Andesine with certificate
- Anglesite
- Anhydrite
- Apache Gold Cabochon
- Apatite
- Aquamarine
- Aquamarine (round, calibrated)
- Aragonite
- Axinite
- Azurite
- Azurite - Malachite
- Barite
- Bastnaesite
- Beryl
- Beryl (green)
- Bois fossile - Peanut Wood
- Bowenite
- Buchite
- Bytownite
- Cabochons
- Calcite
- Calcite cat's eye
- Calibrated gemstones (round)
- Carrolite
- Cassiterite
- Catapleite
- Cavansite
- Celestite
- Cerusite
- Chalcedony
- Charoite cabochon
- Chiastolite - Andalousite
- Chondrodite
- Chromiferous omphacite jade
- Chromium diopside
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysocolla silica
- Chrysocolle
- Chrysocolle azurite malachite
- Chrysocolle cuprite
- Chrysocolle Malachite
- Chrysoprase
- Chrysotile Serpentine
- Citrine
- Cobaltocalcite
- Color change garnet
- Conch pearl
- Coral
- Coral -Fossil
- Crocoite
- CZ (Cubic Zirconia)
- Danburite
- Diamant trapiche
- Diamond
- Diamond "Champagne"
- Diamond (black)
- Diamond (blue- treated)
- Diamond (brown)
- Diamond (pink)
- Diamond (yellow-green)
- Diamond, all colours, single piece
- Diamond, calibrated, all colours
- Diaspore
- Dinosaur bone
- Diopside
- Diopside cat's eyes
- Diopside star
- Dioptase
- Disthène (Cyanite ou Kyanite)
- Dumortierite
- Dunilite
- Edenite
- Emerald
- Emerald (calibrated)
- Emeraude Trapiche
- Enstatite
- Eosphorite
- Euclase
- Eudialyte
- Fire opal
- Fluorite
- Forsterite
- Fossil wood with opal
- Garnet
- Garnet (demantoid)
- Garnet (Malaya - Umbalite)
- Garnet (mandarine)
- Garnet (Pyralspite)
- Garnet (pyrope)
- Garnet - tsavorite (round - diamond cut)
- Garnet grossular
- Garnet, all categories
- Gonnardite
- Goshenite (white beryl)
- Grandidierite
- Hackmanite
- Hambergite
- Hauyne
- Heliodor (yellow beryl)
- Hematite
- Hemimorphite
- Hessonite
- Hibonite
- Hyalite
- Hyperstene
- Idocrase (Vésuvianite)
- Ilmenite
- Iolite (Cordiérite)
- Jade
- Jade (jadeite)
- Jade Maw Sit Sit (chloromélanite)
- Jaspe
- Jaspe paysage
- Jeremejevite
- Johachidolite
- K2 - Granite with Azurite
- Kammererite cabochon
- Kornerupine
- Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Labradorite
- Labradorite (gem)
- Labradorite (sunstone)
- Lapis
- Larimar
- Lazulite
- Lepidolite
- Lizardite
- Luxury box for gems
- Magnetite
- Milky aquamarine
- Mizzonite
- Moldavite
- Montebrasite
- Moonstone
- Morganite (Pink Beryl)
- Mtorolite
- Obsidian
- Oligoclase
- Omphacite Jade
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opal (boulder)
- Opal (gem)
- Opale cat's eyes
- Orthoclase
- Os Côte de boeuf
- Paesine - Pietra Paesina
- Paires
- Parisite
- Pearl (akoya)
- Pearls - necklace
- Peridot
- Peridot (from meteorite!)
- Peristérite
- Petalite
- Petites Boîtes
- Petrified wood
- Pezzottaite
- Phenakite
- Phosphosiderite
- Pietersite
- Pink quartz with pyrite
- Pollucite
- Powellite
- Prehnite
- Priceite
- Psilomélane
- Purpurite
- Pyrite
- Pyrite rhodochrosite
- Quartz (cat's eye)
- Quartz (Lemon or Oro verde quartz)
- Quartz (pink)
- Quartz (smokey)
- Quartz (star)
- Quartz à Actinolite
- Quartz à Hedenbergite
- Quartz à Lazulite
- Quartz super 7 - cocochonite
- Quartz Trapiche
- Quartz w hematite - lepidocrocite
- Quartz w thulite
- Quartz with amphibole
- Quartz with chlorite
- Quartz with fluorite
- Quartz with fuchsite
- Quartz with gilalite
- Quartz with golden rutile
- Quartz with golden rutile, cabochon
- Quartz with hematite
- Quartz with lithiophilite
- Quartz with marcassite
- Quartz with mn
- Quartz with pyrite
- Quartz with rutile
- Quartz with rutile. Cat's eye
- Quartz with Sulfur
- Quartz with tourmaline
- Quartz with various inclusions
- Rhodizite
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodolite garnet
- Rhodonite
- Richterite
- Rodingite
- Ruby
- Ruby (round calibrated)
- Ruby (star)
- Rutile
- Sanidine
- Sapphire - black star
- Sapphire France (Auvergne)
- Sapphire (blue - round calibrated)
- Sapphire (blue)
- Sapphire (green - round - calibrated)
- Sapphire (green)
- Sapphire (pink - round - calibrated)
- Sapphire (pink)
- Sapphire (purple - calibrated)
- Sapphire (purple - calibrated)
- Sapphire (purple)
- Sapphire (purple- calibrated)
- Sapphire (round, calibrated,fuchsia)
- Sapphire (white - calibrated)
- Sapphire (white)
- Sapphire (yellow - round - calibrated)
- Sapphire (yellow)
- Sapphire (yellow-orange - calibrated)
- Sapphire (yellow-orange - round calibrated)
- Sapphire - all colours
- Sapphire, round, calibrated, all colours
- Sapphirine
- Scapolite
- Scheelite
- Scolecite
- Serandite
- Seraphinite
- Serendibite
- Serpentine
- Shattuckite
- Sillimanite
- Sinhalite
- Smithsonite
- Sodalite
- Special cut
- Spessartite garnet
- Sphalerite
- Sphene (titanite)
- Spinel
- Spinel (black - round calibrated)
- Spinel (round, calibrated)
- Spiny Oyster
- Star sapphire
- Staurolite
- Stichtite
- Sugilite
- Sussexite
- Synthetic emerald
- Synthetic gemstones
- Tanzanite
- Tectite - libyan glass
- Tiger eye
- Topaz (bicolor)
- Topaz (imperial)
- Topaz (london blue- treated)
- Topaz (pink)
- Topaz (sky blue- treated)
- Topaz (swiss blue- treated)
- Topaz (white)
- Topaz - Cat's eye
- Topaz with inclusions
- Tourmaline
- Tourmaline (bicolor)
- Tourmaline (blue - indigolite)
- Tourmaline (blue-green round calibrated)
- Tourmaline (green)
- Tourmaline (magenta)
- Tourmaline (paraiba)
- Tourmaline (pink)
- Tourmaline (rubellite)
- Tourmaline (yellow)
- Tourmaline cats'eye
- Trapiche sapphire
- Trapiche sapphire - myanmar (burma)
- Triplite
- Tsavorite
- Turquoise
- Variscite
- Värynenite
- Vesuvianite
- Violane
- White Quartz
- Zircon
- Zircon
- Zircon (blue)
- Zircon (orange)
- Zircon (red to brown)
- Zircon (white)
- Zoisite
Découvrez notre sélection rigoureuse de cabochons, soigneusement choisis pour leur qualité et leur beauté uniques. Chez Gemfrance, chaque pièce est sélectionnée avec une attention particulière pour ses caractéristiques distinctives, son éclat et la qualité de son polissage remarquables. Laissez-vous séduire par ces gemmes d'exception, parfaites pour la joaillerie ou la collection
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