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- Translations : Epidot, Epiddoot, epidootti, Epidoto, Epidota, 緑簾石, Епідот, אפידוט
- Synonym : Acanthicone, Acanticonite, Achmatite, Aescherite, Akantichone, Allcohite, Arendalite, Arendite, Bucklandite, Delphinite, Epidosyte, Escherite", Ferriepidote, Oisanite, Pistacite, Pistazite, Posstrevorite, Puscshkinite, Scorza, Selphinite, Thallite
- Etymology : From Greek επιδοσιζ "Epidosis" = growth
- Discovery: 1801 by Rene Just Haüy
- Type localityBourg d'Oisans, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France
Gemological data
- Chemical formula : {Ca2}{Al2Fe3+}(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)
- Hardness (Mohs) : 6 - 7
- Density : 3.38 - 3.49
- Refractive index : 1.71 -1.79
- Birefingence : -0.015 - -0.051
- Crystal system : Monoclinique
- Group : Epidote
- Mineralogical Class : Sorosilicates