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- Translations : Datoliet, Datolith, Datolit, Datolitas, Datolita, ダトー石, Датолит, 硅硼钙石
- Synonym : Datholite, Esmarkite
- Etymology : From Greek"δατεῖσθαι" dateisthaï = sharz , and"λίθος" lithos = stone.
- Discovery: 1806 by The mineralogist Esmark
- Type localityArendal, Norway
Gemological data
- Chemical formula : Ca(HBSiO5)
- Hardness (Mohs) : 5.5
- Density : 2.8 - 3
- Refractive index : nα = 1.626 nβ = 1.653 - 1.654 nγ = 1.670
- Birefingence : 0.0440
- Crystal system : Monoclinic
- Group : Silicates
- Mineralogical Class : Nesosilcates