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  • Translations : バストネサイト, 氟碳铈矿, Bastnasite
  • Etymology : this name is coming from the localty of discoveryprovenant : Bastnas, Riddarhyttan, Vastmanland, Sueden.
  • Discovery: 1841 by Huot
  • Type localityBastnas, Riddarhyttan, Vastmanland, Suède.
  • Comment : There are several varieties depending on a slight change in the chemical composition, here it's the Lanthanum that is dominates (it's an element classified "rare earth")

There are several varieties depending on a slight change in the chemical composition, here it's the Lanthanum that is dominates (it's an element classified "rare earth")

Some bastnasite are with a changing color. They can range from yellow to orange, depending on the light under which they are exposed.

It can also be written bastnäesite.

To learn more about the mineralogy of the bastnäsite, see

See the bastnasite for sale

Gemological data

  • Chemical formula : (Ce,La)(CO3)F
  • Hardness (Mohs) : 4 - 4.5
  • Density : 4.90 - 5.20
  • Refractive index : 1.72 - 1.82
  • Crystal system : Hexagonal
  • Group : Bastnäsite
  • Mineralogical Class : Carbonates

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